Large Dent Pullers

Sometimes, to get the job done, you need a bigger and more powerful tool. If you use our smaller dent pullers in large dents you won’t get the results you wish for and that’s why we offer you the solution for your problems. These paintless large dent pullers can take care of any dent, effortlessly and quickly, eliminating those tiring and costly visits to your local mechanic!

The Best Large Dent Pullers On the Market

Wide Range of Capabilities

In our opinion, the best aspect of these amazing dent pullers aren’t their power and sturdiness (even though it’s extremely important), but their versatility. You’ll see us talk a lot of times about car dents – our specialty – but you can also use them in most flat, non-porous surfaces like washing machines, doors, fridges, glass, tiles and much more. Not only that, but coming with a variety of tabs with different diameters allows you to always have the perfect sized tool for the job.

Excellent Value

This is a market where we see companies overcharging customers a lot of times, simply because they’re offering larger and more powerful tools that you won’t normally see laying around in common households. We’re not just offering you products at the price you deserve, but we’re also helping you save countless hours and money spent in local mechanics removing dents.

Our Selection of Large Dent Pullers

The Suction Cup Dent Puller – Classic Version in Orange, as the name states, is a classic. A strong rubber surface is capable of creating a powerful vacuum between the dent and the dent puller simply by pushing it against the dent and pressing both handles together. Giving you a comfortable grip, you can easily pull this stylish orange suction cup and remove dents effortlessly!

If you’re looking for a more efficient tool, the Slide Hammer Dent Puller – Professional Metal Kit with 18 Glue Tabs is the one for you! One of the best on the market, this professional slide hammer is not kidding around. Capable of popping large dents effortlessly, this tool is collapsible, meaning you can also transform it in a mini slide hammer, perfect for smaller dents. Besides the stainless steel hammer you’ll also receive 18 different sized glue tabs.